About Me

Welcome to my digital alcove, a space where the past isn’t just remembered, it’s relived. As I stand on the precipice of earning my PhD in Digital History from Clemson University, I’m reminded of the power that history holds—its ability to illuminate, educate, and inspire.

From the changing meanings of prostitution in early colonial India to the role of women in China’s Taiping and Boxer movements, my academic journey has been anything but monochrome. Each research endeavor has been a tile in the mosaic of our past, with vibrant tales of liberation, subjugation, and the indomitable human spirit.

As a teacher, I’ve transcended physical borders, bringing English lessons to students in rural India through e-Vidyaloka Community and sharing the light of knowledge as a volunteer with the Satpal Educational Society. These experiences have reinforced my belief in education as a catalyst for change, a theme that resonates deeply in my research.

Join me as I delve into history’s rich pages, where we’ll explore the usage of military technologies in Mughal warfare, analyze the Valladolid debate’s moral quandaries, and perhaps, understand a little more about the world we inhabit today.

History is not static. It’s alive, breathing, and waiting to be explored. So, let’s turn the pages together, one blog post at a time.

Namaste, and happy time traveling.